these first three photos were taken outside use ing white balence i like how some of the photos are coloured difrentlymy favriote was the blue one witck i used tungstin white balance
the next few were takenin doors unsinfg the same white balence
For this project we had to take a series of photos of the same subject one light one dark with different exposer values. Then combine them int to one image so we could observer them in one place and see what EV (exposer value) did to photos. it the first image (the one of the cone) there was lots of light in the photo so darkening it helps to make it look better and see it better as the EV was at +2 the image was blown out (there was too much light so it was hare to see). In the second photo (the one of the pen) the image was darker so at EV -2 it was too dark to see so i raised the EV.